Over 60 Metro Atlanta entrepreneurs had the chance to increase their business acumen by attending ACE’s Annual Speed Coaching event held last Thursday, August 15th. Nearly 50 business and financial experts from the Atlanta area volunteered as coaches and offered their experience and insights to the small-business owners looking for guidance.
ACE client, Keitoria LaCount of Holistic Occupational and Physical Therapy, found her sessions on financial growth and contracting very informative. “I left empowered, having gained more insight into my finances and knowing how to get more information on federal and state contracts for my industry.” Another participant added, “All of my coaches were very enlightening, but talking with a lawyer gave me a new perspective!”
This was ACE’s sixth year holding a speed coaching event – it’s a fun, high-energy and informative evening, one-of-a-kind interactive event in the Atlanta area. Speed coaching enables each registered business owner to meet one-on-one with at least three successful business leaders and expert coaches in 30-minute increments to discuss strategies and solutions for their businesses. “Coaching attendees is rewarding because they come prepared and able to articulate what goals they are trying to meet so everyone’s time is used well. In addition, the networking is great!,” says returning coach, Tamay Shanon of W2S Marketing. First time coach, Gwen Garrison, LifePlan Financial Advisors, says, “It was fun to meet the various business owners and quickly zoom in on how best to help them. The people were wonderful.”
Intended for both seasoned and startup small-business owners, the event’s coaching topics included financial, business operations, marketing, sources of funding, sales strategy, startups and financial growth, as well as contracting and certification for women and entrepreneurs of color.
Our ACE Women’s Business Center hosts many events and activities throughout the year to provide Capital, Coaching, and Connections for our entrepreneurs. Please check our calendar of events to sign up for in-person workshops and online webinars that can assist you in your business. Our loan clients can also request Business Advisory Services, a program specifically designed to assist and support by providing continued counseling and access to quality resources.
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